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What is Openkey?

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Openkey Protocol it is a fully decentralized network, a distributed key encryption protocol.

In a nutshell, Openkey is a protocol that allows you to put encrypted data on any public network, and access it based on the rules you specify. The rules can be based on the payment, NFT ownership, token balance, wallet address, or any other rule you can think of. You can check to have a better idea of how Openkey works.

How it works

An oversimplified way of explaining how Openkey works:

An user/creator encrypt some data locally using a random generated key. Using a Threshold cryptosystem and Shamir Secret Sharing Scheme the key is encrypted and splited N shares/chunks. Each chunk is send to a different validator, which encrypt the chunk and send it back to the user/creator/client. Now the user can store the encrypted data and the encrypted chunks anywhere. The decryption of the data can be done only by the users who fulfill the rules specified by the creator, validated by the validators.

Using Openkey you can easily put any private(encrypted) data on public networks, blockchains, IPFS, and even cloud or private storage. Once the "creator" publish the private data somewhere, that data can be access only by the user(s) who match or fulfill the rules specified by the creator.

For example, you can upload some content of IPFS, which will be available only for those who pay $1, in this case the rule is to pay $$ to access the encrypted content(the payout to the creator wallet address is instant). In Openkey SDK you can find different rules you can use, like access by paying, access by NFT(only users who own a specific NFT can access the content), access by Token, access by Wallet Address and so on(more on Openkey SDK).

Openkey Protocol it is platform agnostic, you can use even on Web2, and we keep adding new 'Rules'. On Web3, Openkey is working by default with any EVM type blockchain. At this moment Openkey support over 20 Blockchains for Rules and 3 Blockchains for paying/payout by default.